Volume Profile and Market Profile TPO (Time Price Opportunity)

To install or update the Volume by Price Indicator open the MetaTrader platform, specify your MQL5.com account in the settings, go to Toolbox \ Market \ Purchased and click the 'Install' or 'Update' button. Update notifications are received via MQL5.com Messages service. Updates arrive directly to the MetaTrader platform within 24 hours after publication.

For a quick start browse example compositions and download chart templates. Apply chart templates via the menu bar or context menu (right mouse click). Alternatively, download set files to use via the indicator properties window. Both chart templates and set files require manual setting of applicable chart timeframe period. Set files additionally require setting of scale. Example compositions use a chart color scheme via the indicator parameter 'Color Scheme' under 'Chart Properties' set it to default to make changes via the chart properties window instead.

For details on configuration options and methods see documentation. Reference the input parameter specification list with example settings and make configurations via the indicator properties window 'Inputs' tab.

To install or update extensions and resources download the package or individual files and copy to the respective type folder in the terminal directory then refresh the 'Navigator' window or restart the terminal. For quick access to the terminal directory use command 'Open Data Folder' in the File menu. To receive update notifications via your browser click the 'Bell' icon. Need help or have questions? Send an email to info@volumebyprice.com.

"Templates and Profiles - MetaTrader 5 Help" https://www.metatrader5.com/en/terminal/help/charts_advanced/templates_profiles
"Templates and Profiles - MetaTrader 4 Help" https://www.metatrader4.com/en/trading-platform/help/chart_management/templates
"Files and Folders - MetaTrader 5 Help" https://www.metatrader5.com/en/terminal/help/start_advanced/structure
"Terminal Start and Data Structure - MetaTrader 4 Help" https://www.metatrader4.com/en/trading-platform/help/userguide/start_comm